Monday, June 23, 2014

david lebovitz's salade lyonnaise

This is sort of a post about salade lyonnaise, but really, it's more of a post about working and cooking. 

For the past few weeks, I've been doing basically no cooking at all - things got busy and unpredictable and I just pushed cooking to the side. Which felt...wrong. I still wanted to eat well, I just had no patience for the process, which was not very nice. So though things are still busy, and likely to stay that way for a while, I've been trying to get into a new pattern that makes cooking easier for me. 

Basically, this means I have to force myself to sit down with a pile of cookbooks, my computer, and a notebook and pen to plan out my dinners for the week so that I can do all my grocery shopping on Sunday in one fell swoop. I tend to be naturally sort of flakey when it comes to this kind of planning, but it turns out that it's pretty much essential if I want to cook during the week.

None of this is particularly novel or revelatory but I've been thinking about it a lot because my schedule is very much in flux - I'm getting a small taste of what my hours will be like after I graduate and I'm realizing how important it is for me to build habits now that will make me able to manage the transition when it comes. There will always be nights where I revert to a plate of scrambled eggs or a box of Annie's macaroni and cheese, but I want those nights to be the exception, not the rule.

So, salade lyonnaise. This is the second recipe from My Paris Kitchen that I've tried out this week and it's another indisputable winner. I made the potatoes and hardboiled eggs in advance so that when I got home, all I had to do was make the croutons and salad dressing and fry some bacon with garlic. It was a very nice dinner and I think would also be a very good weekend lunch, served with a glass of rose and some crusty bread. I'm glad it's Monday, and that I made dinner.

Have a nice week, everyone.

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