Thursday, April 30, 2015

free time

I'm in a funny place where time seems to be passing both too quickly and too slowly. I'm getting close to the finish line with regards to school and I'm feeling impatient - I'm ready to be done with this chapter already, ready to put on a cap and gown and celebrate the end of law school. But at the same time, finishing school means studying for the bar, which I am dreading with my whole heart. So I suppose you could say I'm feeling ambivalent.

But apart from this somewhat emotional push-pull, I've really been trying to enjoy these last few months of student life. As I draw close to the end, I'm savoring my free time - the fact that I get to meet my mother for lunch on Fridays, that I can visit museums during the week, that I can sleep in late and go to yoga at noon. It really is a wonderful luxury and it won't last forever. 

In the theme of enjoying my free time, I'm taking a backpacking trip this weekend with some friends up near Quincy. It'll be my first time backpacking but since everyone else who's coming is quite experienced, I'm in good hands and quite confident it'll be a great success. 

Happy weekend, everyone.
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